
Hoppin on the ol wagon

So, I have a confession to make. I was at the midnight premier of breaking dawn. NO I am not a twilight fanatic. I repeat, I am not. glad that is clear. Truthfully I couldn't even read more then the first book. I saw the past movies and I liked them alright. In one word I would say they were dece. While everyone SHOULD agree with me that they are not the best made movies. I kinda liked it. I don't even know why. (I was just going because all my roommates wanted to go) And I thought why not?

Arriving to the theater which was full of loud girls, made me question my decision. Nonetheless I was in a really good mood and excited to be with my roommates. The line for concessions was very long. together we contemplated whether or not we would buy something. I quickly started laughing and said "all of these people in line are going to have to work out so hard tomorrow!" i'm terrible i know. I just needed to make myself feel good and remind myself that I didn't want popcorn. (which only makes your hands buttery and your lips dry! )

An hour passes as we are sitting in the theater having a good time. Our other roommate who was meeting us there called and somehow we all started giving her an order for what we wanted at Wendy's. (I secretly wanted food all along) and I caved, we all caved. "we need 4 frosty's, 4 value fries, and 2 hamburgers" Yes we managed to get this all into the theater, with absolutely no problem, not even a with a suspicious whiff from the ticket takers. I like us. a lot

back to the movie. Childbirth is already something that terrifies me. Now I'm just glad there isn't such thing as half vampire babies.


dear beautiful boy,

I don't know your name, I don't know how old you are, and I don't know where you live. (this would be creepy) here's what I do know. You ride the bus with me in the wee hours of the morning. You are usually eating a carrot which I find so fascinating and random. You wear specs that are super cool, you have very pretty teeth and you wear great shoes. (shoes are a deal breaker for me.) oh and we're both always late to our classes.

You have no idea who I am. I am the girl who shyly hides in her coat as you get on the bus because guess what I didn't put make-up on for my 7:30 class. (shocker) One day we made eye-contact and you smiled at me. My name is Megan, and one day I will talk to you. In the meantime could you make it a little easier to approach you? thanks.

Megan, the girl on the bus.